Forum: Who’s watching the CCTV watchers


A bag-snatcher crashes into a glass door, is knocked out, but recovers and runs away only to be arrested by police later.

There are all sorts of good reasons for having cameras mounted on common property in apartment blocks.

Being able to see who’s coming and going at your front door would be one.  A record of activity at your garage gates or in your parking area might be another.

A watchful electronic eye on your too-easily accessible letterboxes might provide a deterrent to thieves, and evidence of their sticky fingers wpould be handy if it didn’t put them off.

But why would the chair of your committee have cameras trained on residents’ apartment doors but not the building’s front door?

And, since these cameras also have microphones, isn’t it illegal to record people’s conversations without their permission? And who has access to these recordings and why? And how secure are they?

One Flatchatter wants to know what can be done now that they feel like they’re living on the set of Big Brother. That’s HERE.

Elsewhere on the Forum

  • Neighbour has installed a vent blasting kitchen fumes directly at my home. That’s HERE.
  • Is it wise or even possible to get individual insurances for separate houses in a strata scheme? That’s HERE.
  • Absent chair leaves predecessor to run block by their own rules. That’s HERE.
  • Strata manager says they don’t need to check invoices. That’s HERE.
  • Locked out of gym that I pay for through my rent.  That’s HERE.
  • UPDATE: Battle over air-con location goes to mediation. That’s HERE.

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