Forum: The drinking person’s guide to AGMs


Last time we let the Forum sit for a week to see if we could accumulate any more questions – and boy, do we now have a couple of doozies.

How about this? Would you let owners drink before and during an AGM? Can you stop them?

Some might say it’s the only way they could survive the tedium but the question is asked, are owners likely to be more rambunctious and argumentative if they’ve had a couple of glasses of wine.

And if you vote when you’re drunk, is that vote even valid?  That’s HERE.

And then we have the question of a committee member who has been told – via the agenda – that they will be excluded from the part of the meeting that discusses their  action at NCAT against the owners corp.

Is that fair? Is that even legal? Have your say HERE.

Updates on the Forum

Druggies wrecking strata community. That’s HERE.

Red tape trebling the cost of renos. That’s HERE.

Rainwater ruining property but strata scheme says external wall crack isn’t common property.  That’s HERE.

Committee ignores hard floor by-law. That’s HERE.

How to ask and answer questions

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However, there are several easy ways you can search, access, ask questions and reply to others’ queries once you have registered. 

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Then click on the topic title that interests you, and off you go.  

Alternatively, you can look at the list of “Your latest questions and answers” under the ads on the right of the page on a computer screen. Or at the bottom, after the ads and stories, on a tablet or phone.

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