A few years ago I applied in NSW for compulsory strata mgt.
I recall applying under s. 237 and s. 232 with the attitude that if NCAT believes that orders I sought under s. 232 were superfluous, either staff would tell me when I filed the papers or the Member at the hearing would tell me.
What helped and will help you is if you – BEFORE FILING WITH NCAT – can identify a strata managing agent happy to take on compulsory strata mgt. If so, get him to send you his proposal which should:
1. Include a letter from him addressed to NCAT informing that his firm is happy to take on the role for a term of 1 year (this can no doubt be extended); and
2. His contract detailing the terms ie cost etc of the compulsory appointment.
Include those papers with your documents when you file at NCAT.
Note: many applicants assume that if they seek a compulsory manager then NCAT will pick a compulsory strata mgr for them. I don’t know how common an approach that is, but do know that if the applicant identifies a strata mgr and includes the papers listed above in the filing, then it’ll be straight forward for NCAT to order that particular strata firm if NCAT makes a s. 237 order.
My observation for what it’s worth: Do not assume that NCAT will hand down an order under s. 237. In my case NCAT did not, citing that to do so “is a very big deal and is the exception and not the rule” when an applicant comes seeking it. NCAT seems to want matters sorted out b/w the warring parties in a civilised if not amicable manner (no matter how long it takes) rather than hit the nuclear option of s. 237.
Just my 2c.