Forum: Power and beauty of a big red button


There’s a Flatchatter out there who deserves a herogram from us all – although he has chosen to remain anonymous, so that ain’t going to happen.

A couple of weeks ago he wrote to me and asked if we could put a “big red button” at or near the top of the page so that readers could skip straight to the Forum posts and replies.

Since I am a writer and not a website designer I said I didn’t know if and how that might be done, so I did what any of us would do and Googled it.

Lo and behold, I could put a link in the top-of-the-page menu, to make it easier to go straight to the Forum discussions, albeit missing out on all the other excellent material on these pages.

Thanks, said ButtonBoy (not his real name), shame it couldn’t be more prominent.  Back I went to Google, which took me to a web page which not only had the necessary code but explained how to install it.

And that’s why you now have a button near the top right of the page (although it’s just an added link in the drop-down ‘hamburger” menu on a phone).

It’s not very big and it’s not very red, but it’s there. Feel free to give it a spin. Meanwhile, here’s the latest posts and updates on the Forum, no button required.

This week in the Forum

How can we gee up our strata manager to consider our reno approvals? That’s HERE.

A second bite of the Afternoons with James Valentine apple can be found HERE.

Can strata schemes really call in council parking rangers to deal with rogue parkers? That’s HERE.

What’s the point of the “airbnb” operators’ list if no one can access it? That’s HERE.

How to ask and answer questions

Anyone can read our posts any time but you have to be registered to ask or answer questions. However, there are so many easy ways you can search, access, ask questions and reply to others’ queries once you have registered using the green “register and sign in …” box on this page.
The best way may be to click on “Forum: Your Qs & A’s” on the top menu bar or on the drop-down menu (three lines) on the screen on phones and tablets, under the Strata Choice ad. Then click on the topic title that interests you, and off you go.
Alternatively, you can click on the new “Latest Qs and As” Forum button on the top right of a computer screen or the link on the “hamburger” menu on a phone.

Alternatively, look at the list of “Your latest questions and answers” under the ads on the right of the page on a computer screen. Or at the bottom, after the ads and stories, on a tablet or phone.
Or you can go “old school” and go to the Forum Home Page and work your way through the topics there. Whichever route you take to get there, the best way to keep up to speed with what’s happening is to register (if you haven’t already done so), then login and subscribe for free to the topics that interest you most.
That way you’ll get an alert whenever the discussion moves forward, and you can also chip in with your own comments and questions. Have a look HERE at our instant guide to getting online.


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  • Creator
  • #73233

      There’s a Flatchatter out there who deserves a herogram from us all – although he has chosen to remain anonymous, so that ain’t going to happen. A cou
      [See the full post at: Forum: Power and beauty of a big red button]

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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