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  • #11068

      At last year’s AGM one proprietor – in a very small strata – backed up by the Secretary tabled a motion that all owners pay a special levy of approx $8,500 to repair a terrace he alone enjoys, claiming the terrace is common property (although no evidence was provided to substantiate that), stating that the waterproofing membrane has failed and must be replaced. Truth is, there never was a proper membrane and what was laid has lasted 30 years with minor problems to date.

      The motion was carried 4:1 (I was the dissenter). Now the chairman smells a rat and wants the vote rescinded.

      Tacked on to that motion was that the owners pay that proprietor $5,000 so he can compensate his tenants for the inconvenience of having tradesmen walk through the unit.

      A few days ago I met the tenant who stated that they (the tenants of the to be renovated lot) are vacating the unit PRIOR to the renovations. So it seems the proprietor is pocketing the $5,000.

      What steps must I take to get the $5,000 back?

      Note, I have been denied the strata’s financial papers for over a year since I asked too many uncomfortable questions of the Strata Committee.

      So I cannot say if any or all of the $5,000 which was approved by a majority of the Owners has been paid or is yet to be paid.

      Thanks for any suggestions.

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