Forum: Can you force a nasty neighbour to sell?


Another breach notice - but could it lead to a forced sale?

Somewhere back in the dim and distant past of Flat Chat we may have advised someone that if an owner refused to obey their scheme’s by-laws, they could be forced to sell their home.

Of course, that’s not the case – property ownership is sacrosanct and there is nothing in the Act that allows the other owners in a scheme to get rid of a miscreant neighbour easily or at all.

In our defence, that was about 20 years ago when we didn’t know much about strata law (but we still knew more than most people).

So what can you do when someone moves in who isn’t remotely interested in abiding by your by-laws.  “My home is my castle” is their philosophy and they think they are untouchable.

One such selfish antisocialite is the subject of a plea to the Forum this week.  “Can we force him to sell and move on? No, but there’s a lot you can do to make him wish he lived somewhere else.  That’s HERE.

Elsewhere on the Forum

  • Can an individual committee member get the owners corp to pay their personal legal fees?  That’s HERE.
  • What do you do when you know the minutes of your AGM are wrong but they haven’t been corrected before they are due to be accepted at the next AGM?  That’s HERE.
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  • Neighbour crashed his car into my balcony but he won’t claim against his motor insurance to pay for repairs. That’s HERE.
  • Are sheer curtains technically blocking light? That’s HERE.

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  • Creator
  • #70822

      Somewhere back in the dim and distant past of Flat Chat we may have advised someone that if an owner refused to obey their scheme’s by-laws, they coul
      [See the full post at: Forum: Can you force a nasty neighbour to sell?]

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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