Forum: Real responses from a top strata lawyer


We have a lot of fun on this Forum – and kick around a few serious topics too – but I thought it might be time to get real with our opinions and turn them into truly reliable advice.

With that in mind we invited one of our sponsors, David Sachs of Sachs Gerace Lawyers to come on to our podcast and answer some of your questions, drawn from this Forum.

In this week’s podcast, David Sachs has bravely taken on your queries and given his professional opinions which you can hear on the Flat Chat Wrap (just click on the link in the story) or wait a couple of days for the transcript to appear.

But don’t worry, you can still read our questions and answers as usual in the Forum below. Meanwhile, I’m frantically checking some of our answers to your questions where we may not have quite hit the mark. Aaaaargh!  

If I miss any that need updating, please let me know.

Elsewhere in the Forum

  • Strata Manager using the privacy ploy to avoid providing information.  That’s HERE.
  • Decisions in doubt as owners refuse to accept minutes of previous meeting.  That’s HERE.
  • How can our OC justify spending $25,000 for tree planting?  That’s HERE.
  • Who pays for registering a by-law required for renovations? That’s HERE.
  • Owner is selling unit with unapproved renovations – what can be done to make sure new owner is responsible for changes to common property? That’s HERE.

How to ask and answer questions

Anyone can read our posts at any time, but you have to be registered to ask or answer questions. However, there are so many easy ways you can search, access, ask questions and reply to others’ queries once you have registered using the green “register and sign in …” box on this page.
The best way may be to click on “Forum: Your Qs & A’s” on the top menu bar or on the drop-down menu (three lines) on the screen on phones and tablets, under the Strata Choice ad. Then click on the topic title that interests you, and off you go.
Alternatively, you can click on the new “Latest Qs and As” Forum button on the top right of a computer screen or the link on the “hamburger” menu on a phone.

Or look at the list of “Your latest questions and answers” under the ads on the right of the page on a computer screen. Or at the bottom, after the ads and stories, on a tablet or phone.
finally, you can go “old school” and go to the Forum Home Page and work your way through the topics there.

Whichever route you take to get there, the best way to keep up to speed with what’s happening is to register (if you haven’t already done so), then login and subscribe for free to the topics that interest you most.
That way you’ll get an alert whenever the discussion moves forward, and you can also chip in with your own comments and questions. Have a look HERE at our instant guide to getting online.


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Flat Chat Strata Forum Current Page

  • Creator
  • #75031

      We have a lot of fun on this Forum – and kick around a few serious topics too – but I thought it might be time to get real with our opinions and turn
      [See the full post at: Forum: Real responses from a top strata lawyer]

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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